Searching and using references in your writing

Library for Educators
1 min readMar 19, 2024


R23–1098 — MATS20000

Supporting materials


  • Group: c.60
  • Length: 30 minutes
  • Format: Lecture
  • Discipline: Fashion
  • Level: U/G

Learning outcomes

After engaging with this support, you will be able to:

  • Create and document a search
  • Search using advanced techniques
  • Replicate searches across different databases

Suggested online resources


Session content

  1. Finding information for your coursework
  2. How to incorporate references into your writing
  3. Further support from the library

SLIDE breakdown.

  1. Exam assessment criteria — linked the session specifically to the assessment criteria focusing on the sources they should be using e.g. academic and industry. Critically engaging with the literature. Consistent referencing. Emphasising strong research
  2. Menti discussion activity — What do they want to get out of today?
  3. Highlight Library Search/ Subject guide/ Key databases/ Business and management information sources e.g. trade news such as Factiva, Drapers, Just-Style, Mintel.
  4. Google scholar breakdown of positives and negatives
  5. Menti discussion activity — What y is referencing important?
  6. Talk through the It says, I say and so strategy
  7. Quote, paraphrase and summarise
  8. Referencing — what is good for? recap
  9. EndNote — highlight it is useful for keeping track of references
  10. Highlight Blackboard resources
  11. Further support



Library for Educators

Sharing resources for educators, from The University of Manchester Library