Searching and using references in your writing
1 min readMar 19, 2024
R23–1098 — MATS20000
Supporting materials
- Slides/materials: Slides
- Group: c.60
- Length: 30 minutes
- Format: Lecture
- Discipline: Fashion
- Level: U/G
Learning outcomes
After engaging with this support, you will be able to:
- Create and document a search
- Search using advanced techniques
- Replicate searches across different databases
Suggested online resources
Session content
- Finding information for your coursework
- How to incorporate references into your writing
- Further support from the library
SLIDE breakdown.
- Exam assessment criteria — linked the session specifically to the assessment criteria focusing on the sources they should be using e.g. academic and industry. Critically engaging with the literature. Consistent referencing. Emphasising strong research
- Menti discussion activity — What do they want to get out of today?
- Highlight Library Search/ Subject guide/ Key databases/ Business and management information sources e.g. trade news such as Factiva, Drapers, Just-Style, Mintel.
- Google scholar breakdown of positives and negatives
- Menti discussion activity — What y is referencing important?
- Talk through the It says, I say and so strategy
- Quote, paraphrase and summarise
- Referencing — what is good for? recap
- EndNote — highlight it is useful for keeping track of references
- Highlight Blackboard resources
- Further support