Presenting your research


Library for Educators
2 min readFeb 3, 2022

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Presenting your research

Thanks for attending the session Presenting your Research with The University of Manchester Library. To support you further we have compiled some resources that will help you plan and prepare the presentation of your dissertation research

(Embed Presenting 1.1 Planning your presentation)

(Embed Presenting 1.2 Outline your presentation)


When you are ready to prepare your presentation, you could use the following handout to plan it out.

Developing your public speaking

If you wish to develop your public speaking skills read the Library’s My Research Essentials post Enhancing public speaking skills using improvisation techniques

Embed standard support & evaluation

Sync content: delivery 9 February


Intros and aims of this session and the content that the students will find in Blackboard. 6 minutes

Recognising that presenting can be challenging, let’s consider what it is exactly it is that makes us anxious. Reflect on last time you presented.

What is your specific challenge where presenting is concerned?

Add you comment anonymously to this Jamboard (3 mins)

Facilitator to group and summarise the challenges to the group and indicate that we will return to the Jamboard towards the end of the session where students will add support to the Jamboard

Analysis of the Amanda Gorman’s reading of her poem The Hill We Climb.

Identify what she does to make her reading engaging and use the chat to share what she does. (5 mins)

Now the students should look at what everyone has shared and consider how they can make use of that. (5 mins)

Engaging your audience talk through slide and link up the points with the feedback received from the students in chat (6 mins)

Return to the Jamboard and add advice and support to the challenge posts to support colleagues. (8 mins)

Finally wrap up with indicating that there is more content in Blackboard that can support the students. (2 mins)



Library for Educators

Sharing resources for educators, from The University of Manchester Library