Critical analysis and writing

R22–0910 MATS61482

Library for Educators
2 min readJan 17, 2023

Live Synchronous Session


Learning outcomes

  • Taking critical notes to inform your critical thinking
  • Writing critically using a strategy to assist in incorporating evidence
  • Critically analyse a source to inform your strategy for proposed growth

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Welcome! This resource is intended to help you to develop your critical writing skills: if you are looking for a refresher or developing your style and approach to writing you can use the strategies here to develop your academic practice to succeed in this course.

Through both the content here and the live session we will be addressing the following:

1. Taking critical notes to inform your critical thinking

2. Writing critically using a strategy to assist in incorporating evidence

3. Critically analyse a source to inform your strategy for proposed growth

1. Taking critical notes to inform your critical thinking

(Embed Note-making 1.1,1.3,1.4,1.2)

2. Writing critically to incorporate the work of others

(Embed ACADEMIC WRITING: 1.2 & 1.3) Introduction to Academic Writing

Communicating our critical thoughts coherently is a challenging task. What is important is that you are revealing what you are thinking and the connections that you are making based upon what you have learnt. To do this well it is important to reference what you have read. This strategy can help.

(Embed ACADEMIC WRITING: 2.2.) (Video) Integrating the work of others into your writing

Activity — practice

Look at the shared notes from the critical analysis activity from in class.

Write a couple of paragraphs about the source using ‘It says, I say and So’ using the notes.

You may want to use the Academic Phrasebank linked below to help you.

(Embed Academic writing 2.3)

3. Critically analyse a source

Read this blog post that explains the critical analysis model Learn, Connect, Create.

(Embed Start to Finish: Writing & Start to Finish Referencing)

(Embed General Support & Evaluation)



Library for Educators

Sharing resources for educators, from The University of Manchester Library