An Introduction to your Library Resources

R22-0984 HCDI10000

Library for Educators
3 min readJan 17, 2023

This session will introduce students to core library resources and raise awareness of the databases and tools available for conducting searches. The PowerPoint slides are designed to accompany and reinforce a live demonstration of Library Search, Subject guides and the various support available through My Learning Essentials. The trainer may use the slides as a personal prompt. The students will have access to the slides on their blackboard pages.

Supporting materials


  • Group: 24 students, 1 trainer
  • Length: 1 hour
  • Discipline: Audiology
  • Level: UG Year 1

Learning outcomes

  • Access core library resources including Library Search, Subject guides and My Learning Essentials resources
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different search tools
  • Understand the basic principles of searching and the usage of search operators
  • Identify appropriate tools to use for finding information for your formative essay

Suggested online resources

Shopping for information: introducing subject databases

Planning ahead: making your search work

Knowing where to look: your search toolkit

Getting Results: Guides to Searching Databases

Search Operators

Original Thinking Allowed: Avoiding Plagiarism

Session content

This session takes place early in Semester 1. The purpose is to give a general overview of library services, and signpost online resources and other sources of help that are available. Ideally, the PowerPoint slides should supplement a live demonstration of specific library resources such as the Library homepage, Library Search and the Subject Guides.

A short demonstration of how to do a very basic search may be carried out in ComDisDome or PsycInfo. The purpose of this demonstration is to show how to get started with searching rather than advanced techniques.


Slides 1–2 — Objectives — This session will cover…

Introducing library resources

Searching for information

Further Support

Slides 3–6 — Library Search

Screen shot of Library Search
Library search

Library Search — what this does and how to use it

Explain that Library Search will;

Search books, journals, database abstracts

Save items to your e-shelf

Email references to yourself and others

Export references to Endnote, Mendeley etc.

Copy a reference in your required citation style

Point out the functions on Library Search, such as the E-Bookshelf

Slides 7–14- Library subject guides and databases — what these are and where to find them

Show the alphabetical list of guides, highlighting the Human Communication and Referencing guides

Researching your topic — Slide 15

PowerPoint slide — example of an essay title
Assignment title

Slides 15–18- focuses on the academic process of establishing WHAT your assignment title is asking you to research and thinking about related words and phrases.

Slides 17 — Sofa slide — What do you See? organise keywords into concepts. Explain how student will prioritise terms and experiment with them when searching different sources.

Activity — Slide 18 — Ask the students to think aloud of some keywords for each of the concepts within the above question

Slide 19–22 Combining searches and using truncation

Slide 23 — Planning Ahead — Explain that searching may involve using many sources — including google, and that it may involve a cycle of searching, reviewing and refining

Activity — Give the students one database and demonstrate a basic search on the questions in slide 24

Use the sample question with an illustration of how to use Library Search and the subject databases. The slides are to reinforce a basic live demonstration. This session is not intended to showcase complex searching. You may not need to show all these slides if you are doing a live demonstration.

In a live demonstration the trainer may use Library Search to demonstrate a simple search using search operators.

Slide 25 — Knowing Where to look — remind them where the subject databases pages are

Slides 26–27 — Evaluating information — show them the checklist and encourage the students to think about their sources of information

Further help Slides 28–37

The slides show examples of some of the MLE resources. The live demonstration can show the MLE pages instead.

Slide 38

End of presentation/ RLUK question

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Internal ID: R21–0867/ R22–0917

Revised 26 August 2022

Medium link;



Library for Educators

Sharing resources for educators, from The University of Manchester Library